Thursday, March 26, 2015

Speak Life

Commitment. A word that in today's society seems to be so empty, society places the 'fear of commitment', and 'always have a plan B'. Have you ever been committed to something? Last night with the Discussions with Dash we dove into this subject. When asked about Commitment the first thing that entered into my mind was my marriage. I made a commitment 7 years ago that I would be married to my husband for all time and eternity. To me that is a HUGE commitment that no matter how many ups and downs or how big or small our trials can be in our marriage we committed our life and the next life to one another, there is no plan B. In order to be truly happy we must make a commitment to ourselves. In past 'diets' I was never committed to a diet for ME, I was committed to a diet for a sexier body one that resembled those of #Hollywood icons because to society that is what is #beautiful. What makes someone more beautiful than a pretty face? Their SOUL! Have you ever walked into a room or a group of people and could feel a negative feeling, one that is so powerful and uncomfortable you find yourself slowly backing away? On the flip side have you ever seen someone or walked into a room where those individuals radiated nothing but sunshine, the kind of sunshine that warms your body, mind, and soul? The kind of glow that draws you in closer as if you're experiencing an out of body gravitational pull towards that individual so that you could feel just a sliver of that persons warmth. #SOUL. That is what it is! Have you ever been committed to feeding and nurturing your SOUL? Looking back on my journey I can see now that my soul was yearning for happiness, health, and light. People ask how can I be so committed to this 'diet' how do I have the will power to stick to such a rigid eating plan. My answer is simple my soul wants this. I'm feeding my body food that allows my body to get rid of the impurities and lies that I put into it for so many years. I'm nourishing my mind with Love and acceptance for who I am NOW, and in turn weight loss is only a side effect. I'm finally happy with ME. I'm finally COMMITTED to ME!