Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween 20's Style

Yep it's been quite awhile since I've blogged, so I figured I'd try to get back into the swing of things and post some pictures from Halloween.

Quynn and I got invited to our annual Murder Mystery Dinner. This year was 20's themed. Thanks to Chris and Davie who put on a fun and spooktastic party! Dinner was delicious and I wasn't the murder this year...YES! and I'm pretty impressed with the costumes we came up with from inside of our closet! :) The hat that Quynn's wearing was my great grandfathers hat which I inherited from my grandpa! I'm glad to see that they had about the same head size. ;)

Not to mention earlier that day we got to go Pumpking hunting for the first time. Much better and cheaper than going to your local grocery store! This will be a tradition for sure!

Hope everyone else had a great Halloween!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday night Forts!

"...become as a little child or you can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God."  -3Nephi 11:38

Sometimes taking scriptures too literally is the best thing for you!

*Friday night Forts will become a tradition in the home of the Udells as we raise our children! We'll be cool parents. ;) ha ha!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How much I miss this girl...

I wanted to post a little blog about one amazing girl! That would be...LINDSAY!
For those of you who don't know Lindsay I used to work with her. However she's more than just an old co worker she's like a sister to me (one day that will become permanent...hopefully). Today I was reminicing about the good ol' days as I was wishing I could hear her laugh down the hallway, eating Cafe Rio together at work, and telling stories about lifes valuable lessons. She helped me overcome personal struggles by just being Lindsay! She never had to say much I just knew she'd always listen. One of those people who is equally as beautiful inside and out! Today I got a phone call from Lindsay and it made my day! I can't wait to see her in August! Love ya Linds!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

BoStOn Adventure

Well as some of you know for my birthday Quynn bought him and I plane tickets to Boston to visit Stephanie! Lucky for him we got to go over his birthday and celebrate his special day while in Boston, killing two birds with one EXTREMELY FUN STONE! *Shout out to Valerie Larson who made this trip possible by giving us buddy passes! Totally love her! Thank you! and another Shout out to Stephanie for putting up with our very touristy agenda and for letting us stay with her!* Now that I've got those shout outs I will be posting REAL pictures of me and Quynn in a later time when I get those from Steph but for now I'll post google pictures of our adventure.
It started off with a LAS VEGAS!

We left Wednesday right after work and arrived in Vegas around 11:30pm. where we met up with my fabulous best friend Lindsay Ward who let us stay with her in her hotel at the Aria. UM SUPER GORGEOUS!!! We were totally spoiled and I got to see Lindsay! LOVE YOU Linds!
Once we woke up we got to visit with Gma and Gpa Udell and Rachel. It was too short of a visit but it was still nice! and BIG shout out to them for their idea of taking the public bus...except for the thought that we wouldn't be able to get home using the bus since our flight got in later...that's another story that I'll get to shortly.
Then we flew from Vegas to Boston with Jet Blue. LOVE JET BLUE! In my opinion it's the only way to fly!

The celebration of Quynn's birthday Steph and I had so many secret plans to make his day super special, not even taking into consideration the weather...IT RAINED! :( So onto plan B which I think was just as fun as we strolled the streets of downtown Boston, Quincy market, paid outrageous amounts of money for parking, and then onto the wee hours of the night. Which was my favorite part as we entered into some of my routes of heritage at the RiRa an Irish pub in Providence. It was one memorable night as we played in the rain ate yummy food and danced the night away as a local band played.

Too bad we don't have fresh markets like this in Utah! This was so fun to hear everyone barter for fresh produce.

Best Corned Beef Sandwich EVER!
Well that's all for now. I'm finding that some of the pictures we took on Saturday are far better than the ones on the internet. Because then you'll actually believe we went to Boston and that I didn't make this all up in a dream. Bye for now!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Happy Birthday to...ME

After a glorious birthday and many thoughts of love from friends and family via facebook, as well as in person, or on the phone I got the cutest electronic card from Quynn. So I thought what better way to post about my birthday then through my husbands eyes. ;) I will make a shout out to my mom too for making me feel super special and for cooking all day to make a FANTASTIC picnic lunch! Thanks Mom! And thanks Quynn for being such a huge part of my day! XO

Chelsea Udell
Happy Birthday to my dearest true love
Wednesday, June 15, 2011 
What a great day this has been. Even though I had to spend half the day away from you, wondering what you were up to....I still enjoyed imagining you happy on your special day. Then I was super excited to be picked up by my very attractive wife at 5:00. Had a lovely stroll through Gateway Mall. Enjoyed the best egg roll of my life, and did a bit of window shopping. I know that this was YOUR big day but you made it my day too just by simply being you. I love you and look forward to every minute with you. Cheers to many birthdays to come

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3 Years Ago Today...

I was eating a most glorious waffle brunch with 50 or so people. Why you ask? Because 3 Years Ago Today I married the man I love. 3 Years Ago Today I married my best friend. 3 Years Ago Today I solemnly and willingly covenanted to spend not only this life but throughout eternity with Quynn. 3 Years Ago Today I smiled more in that one day then I have in my entire life. 3 Years Ago Today I married Quynn. Happy Anniversary to the handsome, hardworking, integrity driven, patriotic, unconditional loving husband that I'm so richly blessed to be married to. Here's to 3 Years and Counting, each year a celebration!  I love you Quynn, Forever and For Always!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Oh, how I love Fridays

What a better way to start your weekend then rockin out, kid style!


Friday, March 25, 2011

Puppy Love

Yep, that's right I'm in love....and not just with my amazing husband but my adorable new PUPPY! Kyah is a German short hair pointer/boarder collie mix. She's got TONS of energy, lots of love, and is growing oh so fast! She's been such a happy little pooch and an awesome addition to our lives. We rescued her from the Cache Humane Society where she was 1 of 14 pups (poor momma dog). When we went up to go and get her she was covered in mud from being an outside dog at her foster parents home. Being the smallest and most clam around her puppy siblings she stayed sat and looked up at Quynn and I. They always say dogs are the ones who choose their master...either way we fell in love. She remained by the fence loving every minute of us petting and cooing over her, ok maybe that was just me. We told the foster parents we wanted her and that we would pick her up at the humane society to sign the papers. After spending butt loads of dollars on her set up for her new home with us, we went to go get her. She was clean (thanks CHS)  and sweet as ever for the drive home. She was such a cuttle bug until that night when I decided she could sleep in the bed with us. Who knew something an 1/8 of my size was such a bed hog! After a restless nights sleep I decided that was the end of  that and we bought her a kennel for her own space...SHE LOVES IT...and I can sleep! She's got quite the personality and loves to play tug-a-war. She also LOVES birds, oh boy, Quynn can't wait for pheasant huntin' season!

this is when we first brought her home, she is a good passenger in cars.

Check out her short and stubby legs...before she grew now she looks more proportionate.
Her most favorite toy, her red rope!

Sitting so patiently. Sorry about the poor quality I'm still getting used to the picture taking on my phone.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Year 2010 Brought...

Recapping the year of 2010 in one word phrases:

Looking forward to 2011!!!