Friday, February 3, 2012

CHINA!! Ni hao

I officially suck at this blog to make up for that I have lots of pictures from our adventures in China. If you didn't know Quynn and I were invited to stay with my Dad who's lived in China for about 5 years now and to meet his super cute family. We had an amazing time walking the streets of Shenzhen. Exploring sites we had never seen before. Taking in the daily life as locals would. All while forming relationships with family we have grown to love more and more. Enjoy!
First stop, Tokyo Japan.

Meet the reason we came, Dad, Lin (mother), Linna (sister).

A Lot of time was spent traveling on the train. Cars are 3x's the amount they are here in the U.S. so public transportation is much cheaper. And after seeing how they drive over there much SAFER too!

Outside of a Monk temple
Street food was a favorite!

The following pictures are from the Dapeng Fortress, yes people actually still live in the fotress which was built in the 1300s. :)

Quynn feeling his inner warrior.

These two boys are from the Chinese Youth Opera. They asked for pictures with us because we were American, but they were way more famous then us! ;)

Streets of Hong Kong
Who wouldn't want to cook with this mixer!?


Not for the faint of heart, "Quynn, I don't think we're in Utah anymore". This was on the outside of an art institute. Good thing their feet were modestly covered. haha!

And to conclude our experience in China...the Cultural picture that sums up a day in the life of a hard working chinese Man.


  1. fun! Can't wait to hear some more stories- I'm way jealous! :)

  2. Loved your pictures! Looks like so much fun!!

  3. yay! Looks like you guys had fun :) And your little sister is so freakin' adorable!
