Thursday, July 21, 2011

How much I miss this girl...

I wanted to post a little blog about one amazing girl! That would be...LINDSAY!
For those of you who don't know Lindsay I used to work with her. However she's more than just an old co worker she's like a sister to me (one day that will become permanent...hopefully). Today I was reminicing about the good ol' days as I was wishing I could hear her laugh down the hallway, eating Cafe Rio together at work, and telling stories about lifes valuable lessons. She helped me overcome personal struggles by just being Lindsay! She never had to say much I just knew she'd always listen. One of those people who is equally as beautiful inside and out! Today I got a phone call from Lindsay and it made my day! I can't wait to see her in August! Love ya Linds!

1 comment:

  1. AWWW!!! You just made my whole day!!! You're the best Chelsea my Love! :) I can't wait to see you in August! The time better fly by!! I miss you SO much!! LOVE YOU!!
